Discussion Study Guide to Use in Group study of Paul Found in His Letters. Look under “Blog”

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Published Nov. 2022

Available at Amazon.com

Meeting a different
Paul based on his letters.

The premise of Paul Found in His Letters is that scholars agree on 7 of the letters ascribed too Paul as ones he definitely wrote. There are disagreements about the other 6 attributed to him. With the seven letters at the heart of this book we find a Paul who once had privilege, but after an apocalyptic revelation of Jesus as Messiah he became a traveling apostle who lived with the most marginalized and desperate people in the Roman Empire. To them he brought the message of the Risen Lord. In a world where women were always second class citizens, this Paul had women working alongside of him, and mentions one woman, Junia, who was an apostle before him. Calling himself a “slave of Christ” was not only unheard of as a voluntary appellation, it meant that he was inviting the vast numbers of slaves to have dignity and self-worth that was always denied. There is so much more to know about this Paul.

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Discussion Study Guide to Use in Group study of Paul Found in His Letters. Look under “Blog”

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Published Nov. 2022

Available at Amazon.com

Meeting a different
Paul based on his letters.

The premise of Paul Found in His Letters is that scholars agree on 7 of the letters ascribed too Paul as ones he definitely wrote. There are disagreements about the other 6 attributed to him. With the seven letters at the heart of this book we find a Paul who once had privilege, but after an apocalyptic revelation of Jesus as Messiah he became a traveling apostle who lived with the most marginalized and desperate people in the Roman Empire. To them he brought the message of the Risen Lord. In a world where women were always second class citizens, this Paul had women working alongside of him, and mentions one woman, Junia, who was an apostle before him. Calling himself a “slave of Christ” was not only unheard of as a voluntary appellation, it meant that he was inviting the vast numbers of slaves to have dignity and self-worth that was always denied. There is so much more to know about this Paul.